As people live longer it is inevitable that some will lose mental capacity whilst others may lose capacity as a consequence of an accident/illness. Accordingly, it is advisable to appoint an Attorney (i.e. a trusted family member or friend who you appoint to look after your affairs) before you lose capacity as to do so afterwards is not legally possible. Appointing a family member/friend as Attorney can make their task of caring for you a lot easier as failure to do so will result in having to raise a Court action to have a Guardian appointed which is stressful, costly and time consuming.
Likewise, it is advisable to prepare Wills so that your wishes are clear. Once again, having a Will can make life easier for those who have to deal with your affairs following your death. It is never too early to prepare a Will and such events as marriage, the birth of children, divorce and retiral are an opportune time to consider the matter. We are happy to undertake home visits if required.